lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

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Background information of the story

The TV show 

What’ s the name of the TV show in which the story is based on? 

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

What do you know about it? 
It's a TV show based on a serie of questions that should be answered all right with the help of 3 comondines ( call, half and half, help of the public) and the prize is a lot of money.

The main character 
His name combines the names of three religions. Which are they?
Ram Mohammad Thomas.
-Ram is from the Hindu religion.
-Mohammad from the Muslim religion.
-Thomas from Christianity.

Where does he grow up? Include pictures 
He grow up in Mumbai.

People, places and events in the story.
Who was Surdas?
Surdas was a saint, poet and musician. He was born in small village in India. He left his family when he was six. Surdas was a very religious man and he wrote over one hundred thousand poems.

What is the connection between Surdas and the main character? 
They were poor boys and they both have lot of culture learned by the expirience.

What is the historical background? What war appears in the story? 
The story is happened in India. There were violent wars in 1947, 1965 and 1971 because India and Pakistan were separated.

What is the story behind Taj Mahal? Include pictures 

The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shahjahan. Work started in 1631 and took twenty-two years. Shahjahan who was called Prince Khurram, had fallen in love with a beautiful woman. He called her Mumtaz Mahal. They got married and had fourteen children. However, Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to the last children in 1631. Before she died, her husband promised to build the most beautiful palace in the world for her. The result was Taj Mahal.

About the author

Vikas Swarup was born in Allahabad in India. He went to Allahabad Boys High School and Collage. Then he studied psychology, history and phylosophy. As a diplomat he worked in Turkey, USA, Ethiopia, Great Britain and South Africa.

His first book was Q and A and with this, Slumdog Millionaire film was made. He wrote it only in two months and it became famous. After that, in 2008 he wrote his second novel: Six Suspects.

Chapter 13: A sister's promise

1. Ram said the luck came from inside the person. Explain what he meant. 

The luck is found by us and we are who decide all our actions. Every thing we do have a repercution in our future.

2. Does the story have a happy end? Explain your answer.

Yes it does. Ram has won one billion rupees in the show and he will be able to pay for the marraige of his love Nita. I think that a better ending wouldn'd be possible.

Chapter 12: The last question

1. In this chapter we learn the true reason why Ram Mohammed Thomas went to the show Who Will Win a Billion. What is it? 

His reason to go to Who Will Win a Billion is to kill Kuman. Kuman had hit Neelima and he was engaged with Nita.

2. Why did Ram choose the answer A? 

Ram trust in his lucky coin and the coin show answer A as correct.

3. What was Smita’s secret? 

That she is Gudiya.

Chapter 11: Look after your buttons

1. Do you think Prakash Rao was right in giving his wife all what she wished? 

No I don't agree with Rao, but maybe he was blind of love and satisfying his wife was the only he wanted.

2. Is that a reason to steal and betray your own family?

No it isn't. The family is one of the most important things in this life and try to kill a brother is very cruel.

3. What is voodoo and in which country do people usually practise it? 
National folk religion of Haiti. It combines theological and magical elements of African religions and ritual elements of Roman Catholicism. Practitioners profess belief in a supreme God but give more attention to a large number of spirits called the loa, which can be identified as local or African gods, deified ancestors, or Catholic saints.

4. How did she make vodoo to Prakash Rao’s brother? 

He taked some hair and clothes of his brother and he gave it to his wife. She killed a chicken and spread a blood to a doll.

5. In your opinion, who was more cruel to each other, Prakash or Arvind Rao? Why? 
I think was Prakash, because he practice voodoo to her own brother.

Chapter 10: At home with a killer

1. Explain how Salim became a junior actor. 
He start work as a servant for a manager who meke junior actors stars. He told Salim if he does some photos he help Salim to be an actor.

2. Would you betray someone who has saved your life if you know he’s a criminal? 

I think I wouln't do it. I woul talk with him and try to convince him to stop.

3. Why do you think Thomas didn’t tell Salim about the quiz show? 

Because Salim could win a lot of money and in this case Salim would be a little selfish.