domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Chapter 1: The mysterious door


The story started when Mr Utterson, a lawyer, and his best friend, Mr Enfield were walking together in a narrow street. Then Enfield told to his friend a scary expirience, he was walking in the same street when he saw a men that had made to fall a little girl and he passed over her. Then Enfield stopped the men and ask him for a compensation for the girl's family. The men agrees and gave a cheque with the name of Dr Jeckyll. Enfield and Mr Utterson were very surprised about what happened.


To fetch: To find something and carry it back with you. (Buscar recollir)

Crossly: To do something with certain anger or bad-temper. (Malhumorat)


Utterson: He is a very shy lawyer. Once you meet him he is very kind and good, although he is very gentle and polite. Utterson don't allow himself many enjoyable things in life.

Richard Endfield: He is Utterson's cousin and although his best friend. He was well known as a fun-loving man. He often takes walks with Utterson talking about many things while they are opposite to each other.

Mr Hyde: He is short man and Endfield say that he have something inhuman. He have an evil look and something disgusting in his face. He's also very strong and heavy.

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